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Paracord, also known as parachute cord or 550 cord, is a versatile and durable type of cordage that has gained popularity for its wide range of uses. Originally used in parachutes during World War II, paracord has since evolved into a must-have item for outdoor enthusiasts, survivalists, and crafters alike.

The Ust Paracord 550 100' Black is just one example of the many paracord options available on the market. Made from nylon, this lightweight yet incredibly strong cord is capable of holding up to 550 pounds, hence the name "550 cord". Its seven inner strands can be removed and used individually for tasks such as sewing, fishing, or trap making, making it a truly versatile tool to have on hand.

Outdoor enthusiasts often use paracord for a variety of tasks such as securing tents, hanging bear bags, creating makeshift shelters, or even fashioning a makeshift belt or tow rope in an emergency. Survivalists appreciate paracord for its strength and durability in emergency situations, as it can be used for everything from building shelters to creating snares for trapping food.

Crafters also love paracord for its endless possibilities in making bracelets, keychains, dog collars, and even hammocks. With hundreds of colors and patterns to choose from, paracord offers a creative outlet for those looking to personalize their gear or create handmade gifts.

Whether you're an avid camper, a prepper looking to beef up your emergency supplies, or a crafter in search of a new hobby, paracord is a versatile and essential tool to have in your arsenal. The Ust Paracord 550 100' Black is just one of many options available to meet your needs in this indispensable product category.