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The Medical category encompasses a wide range of products designed to provide emergency medical care in various situations. From tourniquets to gauze rolls, dressings to first aid kits, these products are essential tools for first responders, medical professionals, and individuals alike.

Tourniquets are crucial in controlling severe bleeding and preventing further injury in emergency situations. They are designed to quickly and effectively stop the flow of blood to a wounded limb, allowing for proper medical treatment to take place. The Nar Tourniquet Combat Appl Blk is a specifically designed tourniquet for combat and emergency situations.

Gauze rolls and dressings are used to cover and protect wounds, absorb blood and other bodily fluids, and promote healing. The Nar Gauze S-rolled and Emergency Trauma Dressings are made from high-quality materials to ensure optimal performance when managing injuries.

Compressed gauze is another important product in the Medical category. It is used to pack wounds, control bleeding, and create pressure points to help stop hemorrhaging. The Nar Compressed Gauze and Responder Compressed Gauze are compact and easy to use, making them ideal for both professional and personal use.

First aid kits are essential in providing immediate medical care in emergency situations. The Nar Kit Individual Patrol Ofcr Ipok and M-fak Mini First Aid Le Kit Blk are compact and portable, containing a variety of supplies to treat minor injuries and stabilize more serious wounds until professional medical help can be obtained.

Overall, the Medical category offers a range of products designed to address a variety of medical needs in emergency situations. Whether you are a first responder, medical professional, or individual looking to be prepared for unexpected injuries, these products are essential tools for providing timely and effective medical care.